?Es que acaso se juzgan así mismos tan mal que no son capaces de visualizarse en un automóvil propio, con un plato de comida en la mesa para su familia, hospedados en un hotel, cenando en un restaurant, si no es haciendo esa labor de chivatería, perdón, ..... DI Oficial de Seguridad, custodio Old, Attache, su esposa se llama Nereida Mirabal Berejano. Gerardo Sánchez Ferrer. DI, Oficial de Seguridad, custodio 2 vez en Nueva York, Attache. Miguel Antonio Rodríguez González? ...
Also, I have to question the involvement of one of the members, Nancy Barreto Hogan who is a sister of Rodney Barreto, and not only is a Florida Real Estate Commission commissioner, but happens to be a branch manager for Coldwell Banker .... In 2006 I purchased an "as is" conversion unit that I was assure by the builder - Domingo Berejano, the condo would be fully updated and up to code by the time I moved in. Well, I closed and moved in yet still had many repairs yet to ...
Also, I have to question the involvement of one of the members, Nancy Barreto Hogan who is a sister of Rodney Barreto, and not only is a Florida Real Estate Commission commissioner, but happens to be a branch manager for Coldwell Banker .... In 2006 I purchased an "as is" conversion unit that I was assure by the builder - Domingo Berejano, the condo would be fully updated and up to code by the time I moved in. Well, I closed and moved in yet still had many repairs yet to ...